Square Mile

648 days ago

BRAVO: Richard Jennings defends himself and states some awkward truths about the small cap gutter and those who operate there

Bravo, Jennings. Naturally, his latest battle, this time with Ironveld (IRON), sees deluded shareholders smearing him. It is always the way, But Mr “Nobody Likes Me and I don’t care” has hit back with a remarkable statement, correcting some canards, but also lashing the Square Mile’s corruption. He is bang on the money:


3018 days ago

How much does it cost to win a City award?

Of course the City of London is the most transparent, honest place on earth and as such the crony capitalists from across the Square Mile gathered last night at the Natural History Museum for yet another awards ceremony. Get on your dickies & party dresses, its all on expenses anyway.
